#Say What You Pay

an initiative by Match in the Dark

Profiles is proud to receive continued financial support from Dublin City Council and Dublin UNESCO City of Literature, as well as our kind donors, in 2024. As such, we are delighted to be able to pay all contributors to Issue 3.

  • Commissioned writers and artists will receive €400 each for their work.

  • Non-commissioned writers and translators (whose work is received via our submission call) will receive a flat fee of €200 each.

  • Non-commissioned visual artists (whose work is received via our submission call) will receive a flat fee €150 each.

  • The cover artist will receive a flat fee of €250.

  • We will pay an additional €50 to each contributor who records a reading of their work and/or takes part in an interview for the annual Profiles radio special, broadcast by Dublin Digital Radio.

  • We will also pay €100 to each contributor who reads or discusses their work at the Issue 3 launch event held in Dublin.

The editors of the journal are volunteers; profits from the sale of the issue contribute to footing our production and administrative costs.

Contribution fees are paid prior to publication of the issue. Those taking part in the radio show or launch event will be paid within 14 days of the recording or performance.

We clearly communicate the fees and scope of work required upon initial contact with all contributors. We are also transparent about how their work will be used beyond the publication of the issue, including in promotional materials.

We respect all contributors’ rights to negotiate their payment.

All payments are made via electronic bank transfer.

All of the above fees are ring-fenced within our budget; artist payment is not affected if overruns occur elsewhere in our operations.

Copyright remains with the contributor.